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April Summary

2020 is looking to be a year to remember for sure! I know for many this has been nothing but stressful time and it’s looking to continue that way for a while longer. I do hope that you are finding some positives in this situation. Spending more time with the family may be a good thing, sorting out the home, garden or just generally getting the rest that you deserved? Well if not, please take it!
For those that have followed my blog, it’s been a rough experience so far but I’m now back into work. During the lockdown I focused on recording wildlife in the garden, mainly bugs and bees. I’ve created a bug hotel with my partner and planted wildflowers ready for summer. I’ve also started recording nocturnal migration which has been really successful! I haven’t tallied up my total species count yet but it’s increasing daily.

Going self-employed was a tough decision for me at the time, and very risky! so risky that there was a period where I was really struggling and if it weren’t for help in the family I wouldn’t have got thru it, but I’m out the other end and it’s times like this that’s really made me thankful that I did, as I’ve been able to continue working, and that work is outdoors which is vitally important for my mental health.

Last week I started sharing videos of my sound recordings, as I found that Youtube is slightly better for sharing content on social media platforms, as they don’t need to leave Facebook in order to listen. Here’s some more to add to the growing collection. Firstly is this Firecrest which is a new territory for me and surprise surprise, the bird was mimicking Goldcrest in a reduced manner. You can hear a couple of these mimic phrases at the start of the recording.

Willow Warbler and Tree Pipit are two species I’ve been hearing a lot of this week as they return from Africa and with these two extra species alone the dawn chorus sounds so much bigger than before. So big that I’ve also included a recording of the dawn chorus, which is still with my parabolic dish, but something I hope to do a lot more of in the future for In Our Nature CIC as it can be quite therapeutic to listen to.

My Nocmig continues to pull up some fantastic birds! especially between the 24-26 where I had Common Sandpiper, Water Rail, Arctic Tern, Dunlin, Oystercatcher a Heron and what I presume is a Raven? at 12pm. Would appreciate any opinions on that one though as I didn’t think Ravens would be flying so late.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this Nocmig recording, so I’ve revamped my sound recording page, with an additional page at the bottom, devoted to nocmig. Hopefully after a few months more experience I’ll be able to make it a resource of recordings for others to use as identification, as there isn’t a heap of resources online for nocturnal calls: Partly because there is very little known about them! You can either start at the top of my sound recording page and work down ( should keep you occupied for a while) or you can skip to the bottom and click the Nocmig button. There isn't much there yet, just a little about my setup, but that will develop as time goes on. I hope it’s useful.

I’ll leave you with a photo of a common species of Drone-fly (Misumena vatia), males of which are lining up to impress a female. This is common behaviour and distinct to this species and sometimes you can get a dozen lining up doing the same thing. Can you spot the predator in the scene also?

Drone Fly Daisy - SR1A3990 copy.jpg

Taste of Freedom and Nocmig Continued

Garden Bugs

A few extra bee species added to the list, some of which can’t be fully ID’d without a microscope but I’m new species for me either way. Particularly happy with the Andrena Bicolor as I don’t believe I’ve ever seen this species before. I’ve started to record Hoverflies now also but it’s all getting a bit much! So many species to record, it’s almost like a full time Job if you really commit to it. It certainly keeps you occupied though if you’re struggling to find things to do during this lockdown period.

Garden Nocmig

Things are getting really interesting on the Garden Nocmig, so good that I’ve taken my organising to a whole new level. Below is a screenshot of my datasheet where I can log my records, but also give more information about weather conditions, gear used, and file name. I can also drop audio recordings onto the file so I can playback the recording right from the spreadsheet, which is really useful when revisiting files.

As you’ll see on the list, in the last two days I’ve had some really interesting birds! Just in the last two days alone I’ve had Curlew and a small movement of Arctic Terns. I’m sure in the first recording below there may be a few Common amongst them which you can hear at the very start of the recording but it is faint.

I’ve had plenty of mysteries during this recording process but by far the most intriguing for me is this bunting like call below. There are a few species with similar calls and I thought for a moment that it might be Little Bunting, but I’ve sent it to a few experienced birders, who are sure it’s not Little Bunting but are still unsure what it actually is. It may be something as simple as a Yellowhammer but as there’s only one call to go off, it becomes quite difficult to determine without some reference material. I’ve made the bunting file downloadable via Soundcloud, if you think you might know what it is, please let me know.

I’ve also added two other species since, in the form of a Kingfisher and Shelduck! At first, I logged the Shelduck as a Cormorant haha. After you’ve spent hours listening to nothing but air, your ears do play tricks on you after a while but it’s all a learning curve. It’s good to take time off and listen back with fresh ears. Big thanks to Chris at the Rare Bird Alert for letting me know about my mistake.

Taste of Freedom!

I’ve finally started back to work after what seemed like an age. For someone like myself who requires interacting with nature for the sake of my mental health, the release of being outdoors was quite emotional. I can’t stress enough the importance of being outdoors with nature, it really does make all the difference, so get out in the Garden as much as you can. Don’t suffer needlessly during this lockdown, take your daily walk come rain or shine.

For those that aren’t aware I’m self-employed, and everything I do outdoors is wildlife research, whether as a sub-contractor, my wildlife media business or for In Our Nature CIC as we’re working on nature content for people suffering from mental health. Whilst I’ve ensured I’ve worked from home as much as possible, a huge part of this work requires me being outdoors and so long as guidelines are followed I see no reason why this can’t continue. Below are a few species encountered during work, I hope you enjoy them!

One of my favourite species the Grasshopper Warbler. There’s just something about reeling or churring species that really ticks a box for me. They don’t have to look pretty at all so long as they sound interesting. Due to the right wind conditions in the last week or so, we’ve been getting a bit of a Grasshopper Warbler fall out, and that’s because they aren’t very good fliers despite having to migrant quite long distances, so wind conditions need to be in their favour but as a result they do end up blowing off course. This year due to the right conditions we should see a bumper year for them. I picked up 4 reeling males in the same location on the Gwent Levels.

Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler have also turned up in good numbers.

Below are two types of Blackcap Song that’s worth noting if you haven’t already. The extended song is the one that’s often mistaken for Garden Warbler, as it’s drawn out and implements more of a linear pattern with less listening breaks. During this time a female entered it’s territory and he sang from low down in a bramble patch. Likely it’s preferred nesting location. Once the female had left its territory, he flew back to the top of a willow tree and sang the typical Blackcap song which is short and implements that typical fluty belt at the end of each phrase. Presumably this type of song carries further distances.

I’m starting to accumulate a nice collection of bird songs now, and if you’re interested to listen to more please follow this link where I’ve started to organise into collections.

Catch Up


Those that are friends with me on Facebook will know that I haven’t been well for the past 2 weeks with Covid symptoms. I still haven’t been tested but the Doctor was convinced I had Covid-19 as I was very ill and all symptoms were textbook, with Fever, body pain, kidney problems, migraines and of course, a terrible dry cough. To cut a long and painful story short, I am so much better now, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine. Whilst doctors say antibiotics don’t work for viruses, the hospital said that Doxycycline has been responding well with covid-19 and a strong dose certainly seemed to help me as I usually struggle with chest infections anyway. Never have I experienced such a fever before, shaking all night long with temps between 37.5-38.8. Please be prepared, the shortness of breath is no joke, it was quite a frightening experience, but I got thru it! We’ve followed all guidelines set out by the government RE self-isolation and thanks to loved ones we’ve been well looked after. Happy to report I’m back on form, as you’ll tell by the number of bugs I found in the Garden these last two days. I’ve done my best to ID them but naturally have to run them by Liam Olds and Mike Kilner to be sure. This time last year I was totally new to Bee’s so was happy to ID quite a few in the Garden, which proves I’m learning. Just add a few species to your list each year and you’ll be surprised how quickly you can pick these up.

Forest of Dean

Whilst I’ve had time on my hands, I had a look thru some old files from earlier on in the spring. I spent a lot of time in the Forest of Dean in search of drummer Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers to add to my sound recording catalogue and even though I failed, I did find some characters along the way. Wild Boar are incredible creatures, so intelligent and play such a vital role in the forest. They truly belong in the Forest of Dean and I couldn’t imagine them not being there. Just seeing the habitat they’ve created in some of the dense forestry is enough to make you realise their importance. Watching the humbugs playing, feeding and sleeping is a joyous experience that I’ll carry with me forever. As the light faded she gathered nesting material for the night and the little humbugs joined in! bringing small piles of bracken over, even if it was in the wrong place. They really do learn from a very young age. Below the photos I have a short sound recording of the humbugs begging mother for a feed, much to her disapproval.


I stopped recording overnight during my ill period but I’ve just started back up, and this time sporting my shotgun microphone as I wanted to be able to capture the rarer species with a little more clarity to share with you. For recording purposes you really don’t need anything expensive, just a handheld recorder will do the trick, but the files aren’t that pleasing to listen to, as you’ll know from my last blogs.

Over the last couple of days, I’ve added a few new species to the Garden list, with Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover and Golden Plover being my favourite so far. I’ve added one more Water Rail too, this time a little closer to the mic. The recordings will still sound quiet, but they’re perfectly viewable on the spectrograph which is all you really need to ID them.
Listening back to some without decent headphones on, you may not even hear them, but they are there.

There isn’t a whole lot of resources online to ID nocturnal flight calls but that is changing as time goes on and more people are starting to join in. It’s a great way to kill a few hours in the morning and I’ve learned so much already. I mean who would have thought I would get Oystercatcher, Common Scoter, Golden Plover, Water Rail, Curlew and Little Ringed Plover over Sebastopol! Every single night I get Moorhen, Coot and plenty of unknown wing beats that I need to ID, but it’s possible to even Id those if you study them hard enough. I’ve also learned more about Tawny Owls in this process and how many different sounds they actually make. I’ve lost track of the amounts of times I’ve heard this call:

I thought this call was unique to my local tawny, as I have recorded a Tawny here before that sounded like it had some vocal trouble. You might remember from last year? Here’s a reminder below. Turns out though that this call is just a contact call, and this was proven to me by Craig Constance who also picked up the same type of call from his local Tawny Owl last night.

All in all, I’m starting to enjoy this nocturnal migration recording. Not only is it giving me something to do during this period of isolation but I’m learning something new every day. I’ll leave you with a picture from 2017 of an unforgettable experience with three juvenile Ospreys, one of which was born in Scotland and the other two who’s origin will remain a mystery due to no rings. I worked at Llandegfedd at the time so learned their every move, from favoured feeding perches, roost perches and their general routine. I’ve been recording Osprey movements at Llandegfedd for over 10 years, as you’ll see in past blogs. I’ve accumulated quite a list of ringed birds, most of which have been from Scotland. I continue to play an active role with ongoing communications with Welsh Water so we can one day erect a nesting platform once a suitable location is found. This year should be a great year for our Ospreys as the lockdown ensures our large lakes have less disturbance from tourism and boat activity. The same will apply to many shy breeders.

August went fast..

All I seem to be doing is blogging about my lack of blogging lately so let’s get straight to it. Lot’s to talk about, so I’ll naturally let my photographs do most of the talking as that’s mostly what people come here to look at anyway. The order is backwards, in that I took the Wasp Spider pics just yesterday.
Since finding the Southern Migrant Hawker at Llandegfedd with Craig Constance, I’ve turned my attention to bugs even more, which is a good thing as we won’t be hanging onto these guys for much longer. Cold and wet will eventually take over, and then I’ll have to wait till next season all over again.

I gave up on my Nightjars too early this year as I’ve been told in parts of England, 3rd clutches were recorded. If I could predict the weather we had in August, I probably would have continued to record them. Partly my decision to leave them though, was made due to having to send my recording gear off to Sweden for a service. Jon Strandberg at Telinga Microphones has always been very good with customer care and has offered to upgrade my microphone to the version 3 which I’m quite excited about. For my birthday in July I also upgraded my sound recorder, which I ended up having to send back due to a fault.. After quite some time emailing back and forth America and Germany, it was finally decided that a replacement unit was needed, which ended up being perfect timing for me, as the new version of the recorder was released this week so I get to have the new one (Or so I’m told)… time will tell. The reason I’m telling you this is because the new device has a feature that will drastically help me collect ‘nature data’ in that it can record a much wider dynamic range, which is hugely beneficial when recording nature as you don’t always know how loud, or quiet your subject is going to be and sometimes you end up recording things by accident but didn’t have the right levels to compensate. This ability is made possibly via 32bit Float recording which Sound Devices has just added to their Mixpre version 2 line of recorders. Time will tell if it’s as good as they make it sound on paper but it’s got many sound recordists quite excited as it lends itself to many different applications.

Garden Pond

Earlier this year, Jodie and I decided to put a pond in the front Garden and committing ourselves to having a 'wildlife friendly' garden. It was so easy to put in, just bought a plastic pre-moulded pond, dug the hole and popped it in. Adding a water source to your Garden can increase the bio-diversity so much, inviting not only water dwelling creatures like Frogs, Toads and Newts but also giving the insect life a source of water to drink on those hot days. We already have lots of life in the pond, with most of our Tadpoles fully formed and hopping around the Garden in Frog form. I haven't really managed to venture that far from the house the last two weeks so today I concentrated on the pond and in doing so, found two Toads enjoying the new features.  

Garden Pond

Garden Pond

Garden Toad

Garden Toad

Fake Toad? 

Fake Toad? 

Rain Rain Rain

Well, wasn't June wet? Glad to see July if I'm honest but so far, that isn't looking very dry either. 
When I think of rain in the first half of summer, all I think about is how much it effects our breeding birds. Pied Flycatcher and many others really suffer when faced with bad weather. It can mean the difference between life and death. Below is just a picture of my wet Fuchsias that are being weight down by all the rain.